Membership of IMSC, DHANUSH
Members wanting to use IMSC facilities for drinks and meals can do so by entering their particulars in a register kept with the reception clerk and purchase cash coupons. All the events / entertainment programmer at IMSC are also open to the Veterans .
Mentors for Veer Naaris
NFMC has started the system of Mentors for Veer Naaris. One of the Veteran living in the vicinity of the Veer Naari, is requested to be the Mentor and keep in touch with her on atleast monthly basis .and inform Hon.Secy if any help is needed by her. .This would make the Veer Naari feel that she is still part of the Navy.
Old Age Home
The Mumbai Chapter gave thought to the requirement of homes for the old and the needy & for those who were alone for some reason. The current situation finds old people with their children living abroad and no one to take care of them especially if they are very ill/ immobile. We have suggested to NHQ, that the first floor of the Adarsh building , if ever allotted to Navy for Welfare purposes ,should be earmarked as Old Age Home .
Matrimonial Alliance
Some veterans had suggested that they would like to open matrimonial alliance for their children with Defence families. We have instituted a system, in which veterans could email the details of their prospective children to the Hon. Secy. who in turn would promulgate the same to all the Foundation members including to the President of other Chapter- as well. Interested Veterans could then talk directly to the prospective groom / brides parents. This system is being utilized fruitfully by the Veterans. The Chapter is only felicitating the Alliance. Glad to inform that as on date , four alliances have already taken place.
Quarter Decks
Since 2013 ,,NFMC has started the practice of awarding cash prize of Rs.5000 /- to the Veteran whose article , as per the themes promulgated by NHQ, is published in the QuarterDeck.
WhatsApp Group
NFMC has started a WhatsApp group of all the Members of the Mumbai Foundation as means of PRIMARY communication by President / Secy of the Navy Foundation which is being used extensively for passing communication in addition to the promulgation of useful info by email.
Tributes / Eulogy
NFMC has started the practice of inviting Tributes / Eulogy from the members for the departed soul of deceased Veterans which is read out during the Foundation AGM .The best Tribute is also sent to Editor QD for inclusion in the Quarterdeck .
Veterans Day at Sea
Over the past 4 years , Veterans Day at Sea is being conducted by FOCWF as part of the Navy week celebrations in Nov each year.This event has become very popular as Veterans are able to take their Children / Grand Children for the Sea Outing.
RGC(W) Meetings
Since 2016 , C-in-C ( W ) has been chairing meeting of the Presidents of Goa,Bangalore,Pune and Mumbai every year in Jun to resolve any difficulties being experienced by the Chapter.
Suburb Committee Members
Due to the Geographical layout of Mumbai City, One Committee member from major Suburbs like Thane,Powai,Western Suburbs ,Navi Mumbai and South Mumbai is nominated to look after the Members residing in their respective areas .These Suburb Committee members also organize outdoor activities within their respective areas of responsibility .